Cat RPG Trinity Enamel Pins

$12.00 USD - $32.00 USD
Coming soon
Cat RPG Trinity Enamel Pins

Cat bust-shot enamel pins, themed after classic RPG job classes. Order a full party for a set discount!

Size: 1.25in
1 backing post, secured with a rubber stopper.
Each class is printed in a different color metal: tank - gold, healer - silver, rogue - copper.

◆ These are A-grade pins that are personally inspected, but may still be subject to small imperfections as a result of the enamel filling process. Please check the pin grading guide for additional details.
◆ The healer pins had some recurring flaws throughout the batch, so more of them have been sorted into seconds than its companion designs. If you don't mind some scuffing on the blue section directly above the cat's portrait, you can check the seconds listing for a discount.